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Data Science Manager

Do you want to be a Data Science Manager?

Learn more about this career by downloading the profile overview. Spark discussion in class with a hands-on student activation.


Data Science Managers lead data science teams. The teams are often made up of people with different jobs and specialties. The job of the managers is to keep projects running smoothly by ensuring team members are keeping up with their work and working together. Candice's team members meet each day to discuss their work and help each other solve problems or "roadblocks." They also discuss what they will be working on so team members are aware of one another's work. Data Science Managers help resolve conflicts and problems within their teams. They share the conclusions and ideas of their teams with others in the company. They have a good understanding of the roles and responsibilities of everyone on the team.

Evaluate Student Interest

Discover how this career aligns with your students' skills and personality.

  • Are you a team player?
  • Can you creatively problem solve?
  • Do you find security solutions exciting?

Activate Student Interest

Practice the skills needed to be a successful Data Science Manager with your students.

  • Focus on classes in math, science, and technology.
  • Develop your communication and teamwork skills.
  • Study computer science and cybersecurity.
  • Get job experience working with computer network systems.

I was born in Hong Kong and Math was actually one of my worst subjects in school. When my family and I moved to Canada, I did better in math because the education system was different. All of a sudden math became the subject I liked the most.

Candice (Sik Suen) Chan Data Science Manager,
NuData - Mastercard

Additional Careers to explore

Introduce your class to other kinds of data scientists by exploring additional career profiles. Get students thinking about how they can become a digital defender in their own everyday lives using essential skills for the next generation of STEM innovators.

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